South American Forum, HS
Length of Time: 4-6 Class Periods
South America is a continent of both great wealth and extreme poverty. Despite abundant natural resources, most people struggle to meet their basic needs. Large urban areas co-exist with vast stretches of uninhabitable space. Long supported by the United States, some nations are beginning to reject the help and culturally superior attitude of their northern neighbor. In this activity, students will simulate a regional forum where representatives from South American nations will try to solve their own and the region’s problems.
Essential Questions
What are the problems plaguing this area of the world?
What can the countries of the region do to address these issues?
Common Core Standards
Content Standards
World History I: The World from the Fall of Rome through the Enlightenment
WH1.14 Identify the major effects of the European colonial period in South America
World History II: The Rise of the Nation State to the Present
Industrial Revolution and Social and Political Change in Europe, 1800-1914
WH1II.11 Describe the causes of 19th century European Imperialism
Latin American History in the 19th and early 20th centuries
WHII.16 Major developments in Latin American History to the early 20th century
The Cold War, 1945-1989
WHII.38 Nationalist Movements in Latin America
Contemporary World, 1989-Present